Working in this region surrounding our nation’s capital, CCAN is uniquely positioned to have an impact on climate and energy policy at all levels — from city hall to Congress to the White House.
In D.C., CCAN supporters were instrumental to putting clean electricity laws in place — and continue to push to strengthen them. From stopping the Keystone XL pipeline to advancing federal laws to cap carbon pollution, CCAN also contributes to some of the most important climate fights taking place nationwide.
Learn how you can get involved locally to advance climate solutions in our nation’s capital:
A DC Carbon Fee: For Clean Energy and a Fair Economy
Washington, DC is at the forefront of cities nationwide when it comes to promoting clean energy and tackling the climate crisis head-on. Now it’s time for DC to lead again—not only in cutting fossil fuel pollution but in creating a more just and sustainable economy for all. By putting a price on carbon and making fossil fuel polluters pay for the real and damaging costs of their emissions, we can unleash the clean energy solutions we need, and make DC families better off in the process. Learn more>>
Peoples Climate Mobilization
On the 100th day of Trump’s administration, on Saturday, April 29th, we will come together for one massive march to bring our demands to the streets of Washington, D.C. We will march for our families. We will march for our air, our water, and our land. We will march for clean energy jobs and climate justice. We will march for our communities and the people we love. And we will be louder and stronger than ever before. Learn more>>
A Climate Solution: Cap and Dividend
“Cap and dividend” is a simple, fair policy solution to reduce CO2 emissions without reducing household incomes. It caps fossil fuels, makes polluters pay, and returns the revenue to everyone equally. Those who care about halting climate change agree that the amount of carbon allowed into our atmosphere should be limited and that the cost of carbon pollution should be paid by the industries that do the polluting. Learn more>>
Stop the Merger: No Exelon Takeover in DC!
In March 2016, the DC Public Service Commission approved Chicago-based utility giant Exelon, to buy out Pepco Holdings, Inc. (PHI), which currently serves nearly two million customers throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey. This merger has created the largest electric utility company not just in the Mid-Atlantic region, but in the United States. Despite this approval, CCAN will continue to fight to ensure the merger serves the “public interest.” Learn more>>
Stop the Surge of Coal Exports
Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel and the biggest cause of climate change. While the United States has begun to move away from coal—thanks to increasing competition from cleaner sources of energy, stronger regulations, reduced electricity demand, and organized grassroots action—coal executives are scrambling to keep their profits high by other means: coal exports. Learn more>>
Let’s Clean Up Coal Ash
CCAN is part of a national coalition of more than 300 environmental and public health groups working together to combat the fossil fuel lobby’s efforts to minimize federal oversight of coal ash dumps. Learn more>>