Who are you? What’s your educational background?
Hi! I’m Bria Andrews, and I’m CCAN’s new Legal Fellow. I’m pursuing a B.S. in physics at Hampton University and J.D. at the University of Maryland Carey School of Law.
What led you to apply for a summer fellowship with CCAN?
After having my son, I wanted to tell him and his friends that I worked to make their world better and that we worked hard to hopefully lessen the work they’d have to do in the future. This led me to research opportunities to learn more about environmental law.
What’s something you’ve learned through the summer fellowship?
I’ve learned about crucial environmental issues in my area and ways to advocate for change.
What’s your favorite project that you’ve worked on during your fellowship?
My favorite project has been learning about methane Landfill fires and their effect on climate change
What’s your favorite thing about the fellowship so far?
My favorite thing about the fellowship is how hands-on it is and how willing everyone is to answer questions and share information. Because CCAN is a small organization, fellows have the opportunity to do hands-on work and learn from experience.
What’s a moment that inspired you to join the climate movement?
Hampton University has a beautiful waterfront overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. Unfortunately, every time I visit, it is evident that sea levels are rising especially because flooding on the campus continues to worsen over time.
What’s a new experience that you gained through the fellowship so far?
During this fellowship, I’ve been developing my lawyering skills and refining my research skills; all while learning about a new area of law.
What impact are you hoping to have through your career?
There’s so much I’m open to doing in my career, but no matter what I do, I hope to have an impact on social and environmental justice issues.
What is something that inspired you during your summer with CCAN?
It was inspiring to see steps taken toward change with Wes Moore’s signing of the executive order in June, the most comprehensive action ever taken by a governor to address climate change.